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Litigation Attorney in Charlotte, North Carolina

The Montgomery Law Firm Includes Litigators with Over 20 Years of Experience

The first priority of the Montgomery Law Firm is to attempt to settle matters without the necessity of litigation. However, when settlement cannot be reached through mediation or other avenues, Mr. Montgomery is a highly skilled litigator with over twenty years’ experience in both state and federal courtrooms. Our firm represents both single-plaintiff and defendant in effective and affordable representation.

United States District Courts:

Mr. Montgomery practices in the United States District Court for the Western District and is able to effectively utilize electronic filings that are required within all federal jurisdictions. He is also able to provide effective representation for both individuals and corporations within federal other federal jurisdictions through pro-hac status, especially with regard to corporate representation.

Need Legal Guidance?

North Carolina State Courts:

Mr. Montgomery practices in North Carolina’s District and Superior courts, and in selective Small Claims matters. With the influx of pro se litigants into the court system, Mr. Montgomery has effectively represented his small business clients and reduced their expenses and costs in defending their businesses and assets.

Contact The Montgomery Law Firm at (704) 312-7360 to schedule a consultation.